Dawn Chappel
16 min readJun 29, 2023


If you enjoy reading, I’d like to share a story based on real-life events. From my perspective, I’ll provide a detailed account, so it might take some time to get through. I feel it’s important to convey my thoughts to those who are willing to listen. Personally, I prefer to see the good in everyone rather than dwell on the negative. However, the past few years have been exceptionally challenging for me.

Throughout my life, whenever I heard someone complaining about the government or their community, I often wondered about their own involvement or if they were simply avoiding responsibility for their actions. That was until a few years ago when I had a realization. Now, let me clarify that I'm far from perfect, and I've made mistakes that I'm not proud of. However, in 2015, I made a conscious decision to make positive changes in my life. Since then, every day I wake up with the intention of becoming a better person.

I sought counseling, which has been instrumental in helping me understand that I have a role to play in every situation I find myself in. So, when things don't go well, I make an effort to identify my part in it and determine how I can rectify the situation.

In 2019, the chief of police in my hometown started harassing my family due to some immature actions committed by my cousin. On one occasion, when our dogs escaped, the chief called one of them over and used his taser gun on him. He made multiple attempts afterwards, but our dog refused to go near him. I must admit, it was frustrating that our dogs managed to get loose, but they were not aggressive or harmful. They…

